GARBO: Why Dick Cheney Endorses Kamala Harris for President

The Strange Alliance: Why Dick Cheney Endorses Kamala Harris for President

In a move that has shocked both political observers and everyday Americans, former Vice President Dick Cheney and his daughter Liz have endorsed Kamala Harris for President. This unprecedented alignment raises serious questions about the motivations behind such an endorsement and what it could mean for the future of American foreign policy. At first glance, it seems like an odd couple - Cheney, the hawkish Republican architect of the Iraq War, and Harris, the progressive Vice President under the Biden administration. But when we dig deeper into their shared interests, a troubling pattern emerges that should alarm anyone concerned about the direction of U.S. foreign policy.

Dick Cheney’s legacy is indelibly tied to war. As Vice President under George W. Bush, Cheney was a key proponent of the invasion of Iraq - a conflict that has since claimed hundreds of thousands of lives and cost trillions of dollars. For Cheney, war wasn’t just a political strategy; it was a business model. As former CEO of Halliburton, Cheney personally profited from the war machine he helped create. The military-industrial complex, with its endless appetite for conflict, made him a fortune, securing no-bid contracts for Halliburton and other defense contractors, ensuring that war was not only profitable but sustainable.

So why, after a career built on stoking global conflicts, would Cheney endorse Kamala Harris, a Democrat who, at least on the surface, represents everything he supposedly opposed? The answer is simple: Harris, despite her progressive rhetoric, has shown no inclination to roll back the militaristic policies of past administrations. If anything, her tenure as Vice President has demonstrated a commitment to maintaining the United States’ role as the world’s policeman - a position Cheney is all too eager to support.

Harris has consistently backed military interventions, even when popular sentiment called for de-escalation. Under her watch, the U.S. has increased its involvement in proxy wars and maintained a massive military footprint around the globe. The Biden administration, with Harris as a key figure, has failed to significantly reduce troop deployments or bring an end to the endless wars that have drained American resources and lives for two decades. For Cheney, this continuity is a blessing. With Harris at the helm, Cheney can be confident that the military-industrial complex will continue to flourish, providing ample opportunities for defense contractors like Halliburton to rake in billions from taxpayers.

What makes this endorsement even more curious is how Democrats once painted Cheney as the embodiment of everything wrong with the Republican Party. During his tenure as Vice President, Cheney was vilified by Democrats and progressives for his hawkish policies, his role in the torture of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, and his use of executive power to manipulate intelligence and justify the invasion of Iraq. He was described as evil, war-hungry, and morally bankrupt. The idea of Democrats now embracing his endorsement is nothing short of stunning.

Have Democrats forgotten how they once labeled Cheney a war criminal? Have they abandoned their long-held criticisms in exchange for political expediency? If Cheney was once seen as a symbol of greed, war-mongering, and corruption, why is his endorsement now welcomed with open arms by the very party that once opposed him? These are critical questions that the American people deserve answers to.

It’s clear that Cheney’s endorsement of Harris is not about shared values but shared interests. Both figures, despite their partisan differences, have shown a willingness to support policies that keep America in a perpetual state of war. And while Cheney profits from the military-industrial complex, Harris appears all too willing to maintain the status quo, ensuring the gears of war continue to turn.

This strange political bedfellowship should serve as a wake-up call to all Americans. The establishment - whether Democratic or Republican - seems more interested in sustaining endless wars and enriching defense contractors than in pursuing peace or prioritizing the needs of the American people. Cheney’s endorsement of Harris is not just a political oddity; it’s a signal that those who profit from war will back anyone willing to perpetuate it, regardless of party affiliation.

As voters, we must ask ourselves: Why is Dick Cheney, the man once demonized by Democrats for his ruthless pursuit of war and profit, now supporting Kamala Harris for President? And more importantly, what does that mean for the future of American foreign policy and our role on the global stage? If Harris, like Cheney, is content to keep America’s military entangled in conflicts around the world, are we truly choosing a leader who represents the best interests of the American people - or simply the interests of the powerful elite who profit from war?

It’s a question that deserves serious consideration as we approach the next presidential election. For in the strange alliance between Cheney and Harris, we may see a preview of a future where endless war is not only accepted but embraced as a permanent feature of American life. And that’s a future we should all be wary of.


C. J. Garbo previously served the DCGOP as district captain and data analyst. He earned his B.A. in Political Science from the Metropolitan State University of Denver where he studied American Foreign and Military Policy and International Relations.  While attending, he served as the Vice President of the Student Government Assembly and as Chairman of the Auraria College Republicans.


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