Upcoming events
Calendar event entries are for informational purposes only. Unless explicitly stated, mentions or highlights of organizations on our Calendar of Events do not imply endorsement from the Douglas County Republican Party. For the most accurate information on Calendar of Events, be sure to reference the point of contact found in the entry.
Castle Rock Grassroots Conservatives
Castle Rock Grassroots Conservatives
(Group meets 4th Tuesday of the month, January - October)
Meet-up/Happy Hour
Tuesday, March 25 - 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Wild Blue Yonder Brewery
519 Wilcox Street in Castle Rock
Parker Conservatives
Parker Conservatives
Private Group/Email for information parkcons@yahoo.com
Doors Open at 5:00 pm - Event starts at 6:00 pm
Douglas County Republican Women
Douglas County Republican Women
(Group meets 3rd Wednesday of the month, September - May)
Wednesday, April 16, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Social time 11:00 to 11:30 am
Meeting time 11:30 am to 1:00 pm
Lone Tree Golf Club & Hotel
9808 Sunningdale Blvd. in Lone Tree
Freedom Fellowship
Freedom Fellowship
(Group meets 3rd Thursday of the month)
Thursday, April 17
5:30 pm - program starts at 6:15 pm
Wide Open Saloon
5607 U.S. Hwy. 85 in Sedalia
Castle Rock Breakfast
Castle Rock Breakfast
(Group meets the 3rd Friday of the month)
Friday, April 18, 7:30 am to 8:30 am
Douglas County Fairgrounds Events Center
Conference Room
500 Fairgrounds Road in Castle Rock
Email Kent Cheese: kent.cheese@firstwestmortgage.com
Castle Rock Grassroots Conservatives
Castle Rock Grassroots Conservatives
(Group meets 4th Tuesday of the month, January - October)
Meet-up/Happy Hour
Tuesday, April 22 - 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Wild Blue Yonder Brewery
519 Wilcox Street in Castle Rock
Parker Conservatives
Parker Conservatives
Private Group/Email for information parkcons@yahoo.com
Doors Open at 5:00 pm - Event starts at 6:00 pm
Freedom Fellowship
Freedom Fellowship
(Group meets 3rd Thursday of the month)
Thursday, May 15
5:30 pm - program starts at 6:15 pm
Wide Open Saloon
5607 U.S. Hwy. 85 in Sedalia
Castle Rock Breakfast
Castle Rock Breakfast
(Group meets the 3rd Friday of the month)
Friday, May 16, 7:30 am to 8:30 am
Douglas County Fairgrounds Events Center
Conference Room
500 Fairgrounds Road in Castle Rock
Email Kent Cheese: kent.cheese@firstwestmortgage.com
Douglas County Republican Women
Douglas County Republican Women
(Group meets 3rd Wednesday of the month, September - May)
Wednesday, May 21
Social time 11:00 to 11:30 am
Meeting time 11:30 am to 1:00 pm
Lone Tree Golf Club & Hotel
9808 Sunningdale Blvd. in Lone Tree
Castle Rock Grassroots Conservatives
Castle Rock Grassroots Conservatives
(Group meets 4th Tuesday of the month, January - October)
Meet-up/Happy Hour
Tuesday, May 27 - 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Wild Blue Yonder Brewery
519 Wilcox Street in Castle Rock
Parker Conservatives
Parker Conservatives
Private Group/Email for information parkcons@yahoo.com
Doors Open at 5:00 pm - Event starts at 6:00 pm
Freedom Fellowship
Freedom Fellowship
(Group meets 3rd Thursday of the month)
Thursday, June 19
5:30 pm - program starts at 6:15 pm
Wide Open Saloon
5607 U.S. Hwy. 85 in Sedalia
Castle Rock Breakfast
Castle Rock Breakfast
(Group meets the 3rd Friday of the month)
Friday, June 20, 7:30 am to 8:30 am
Douglas County Fairgrounds Events Center
Conference Room
500 Fairgrounds Road in Castle Rock
Email Kent Cheese: kent.cheese@firstwestmortgage.com
Castle Rock Grassroots Conservatives
Castle Rock Grassroots Conservatives
(Group meets 4th Tuesday of the month, January - October)
Meet-up/Happy Hour
Tuesday, June 24 - 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Wild Blue Yonder Brewery
519 Wilcox Street in Castle Rock
Parker Conservatives
Parker Conservatives
Private Group/Email for information parkcons@yahoo.com
Doors Open at 5:00 pm - Event starts at 6:00 pm
11020 S. Pikes Peak Drive, #50 in Parker
Freedom Fellowship
Freedom Fellowship
(Group meets 3rd Thursday of the month)
Thursday, July 17
5:30 pm - program starts at 6:15 pm
Wide Open Saloon
5607 U.S. Hwy. 85 in Sedalia
Castle Rock Breakfast
Castle Rock Breakfast
(Group meets the 3rd Friday of the month)
Friday, July 18, 7:30 am to 8:30 am
Douglas County Fairgrounds Events Center
Conference Room
500 Fairgrounds Road in Castle Rock
Email Kent Cheese: kent.cheese@firstwestmortgage.com
Castle Rock Grassroots Conservatives
Castle Rock Grassroots Conservatives
(Group meets 4th Tuesday of the month, January - October)
Meet-up/Happy Hour
Tuesday, July 22 - 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Wild Blue Yonder Brewery
519 Wilcox Street in Castle Rock
Parker Conservatives
Parker Conservatives
Private Group/Email for information parkcons@yahoo.com
Doors Open at 5:00 pm - Event starts at 6:00 pm
11020 S. Pikes Peak Drive, #50 in Parker
Castle Rock Breakfast
Castle Rock Breakfast
(Group meets the 3rd Friday of the month)
Friday, August 15, 7:30 am to 8:30 am
Douglas County Fairgrounds Events Center
Conference Room
500 Fairgrounds Road in Castle Rock
Email Kent Cheese: kent.cheese@firstwestmortgage.com
Freedom Fellowship
Freedom Fellowship
(Group meets 3rd Thursday of the month)
Thursday, August 21
5:30 pm - program starts at 6:15 pm
Wide Open Saloon
5607 U.S. Hwy. 85 in Sedalia
Castle Rock Grassroots Conservatives
Castle Rock Grassroots Conservatives
(Group meets 4th Tuesday of the month, January - October)
Meet-up/Happy Hour
Tuesday, August 26 - 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Wild Blue Yonder Brewery
519 Wilcox Street in Castle Rock
Parker Conservatives
Parker Conservatives
Private Group/Email for information parkcons@yahoo.com
Doors Open at 5:00 pm - Event starts at 6:00 pm
11020 S. Pikes Peak Drive, #50 in Parker
Douglas County Republican Women
Douglas County Republican Women
(Group meets 3rd Wednesday of the month, September - May)
Wednesday, September 17
Social time 11:00 to 11:30 am
Meeting time 11:30 am to 1:00 pm
Lone Tree Golf Club & Hotel
9808 Sunningdale Blvd. in Lone Tree
Freedom Fellowship
Freedom Fellowship
(Group meets 3rd Thursday of the month)
Thursday, September 18
5:30 pm - program starts at 6:15 pm
Wide Open Saloon
5607 U.S. Hwy. 85 in Sedalia
Castle Rock Breakfast
Castle Rock Breakfast
(Group meets the 3rd Friday of the month)
Friday, September 19, 7:30 am to 8:30 am
Douglas County Fairgrounds Events Center
Conference Room
500 Fairgrounds Road in Castle Rock
Email Kent Cheese: kent.cheese@firstwestmortgage.com
Castle Rock Grassroots Conservatives
Castle Rock Grassroots Conservatives
(Group meets 4th Tuesday of the month, January - October)
Meet-up/Happy Hour
Tuesday, September 23 - 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Wild Blue Yonder Brewery
519 Wilcox Street in Castle Rock
Parker Conservatives
Parker Conservatives
Private Group/Email for information parkcons@yahoo.com
Doors Open at 5:00 pm - Event starts at 6:00 pm
11020 S. Pikes Peak Drive, #50 in Parker
Douglas County Republican Women
Douglas County Republican Women
(Group meets 3rd Wednesday of the month, September - May)
Wednesday, October 15
Social time 11:00 to 11:30 am
Meeting time 11:30 am to 1:00 pm
Lone Tree Golf Club & Hotel
9808 Sunningdale Blvd. in Lone Tree
Freedom Fellowship
Freedom Fellowship
(Group meets 3rd Thursday of the month)
Thursday, October 16
5:30 pm - program starts at 6:15 pm
Wide Open Saloon
5607 U.S. Hwy. 85 in Sedalia
Castle Rock Breakfast
Castle Rock Breakfast
(Group meets the 3rd Friday of the month)
Friday, October 17, 7:30 am to 8:30 am
Douglas County Fairgrounds Events Center
Conference Room
500 Fairgrounds Road in Castle Rock
Email Kent Cheese: kent.cheese@firstwestmortgage.com
Castle Rock Grassroots Conservatives
Castle Rock Grassroots Conservatives
(Group meets 4th Tuesday of the month, January - October)
Meet-up/Happy Hour
Tuesday, October 28 - 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Wild Blue Yonder Brewery
519 Wilcox Street in Castle Rock
Parker Conservatives
Parker Conservatives
Private Group/Email for information parkcons@yahoo.com
Doors Open at 5:00 pm - Event starts at 6:00 pm
11020 S. Pikes Peak Drive, #50 in Parker
Douglas County Republican Women
Douglas County Republican Women
(Group meets 3rd Wednesday of the month, September - May)
Wednesday, November 19
Social time 11:00 to 11:30 am
Meeting time 11:30 am to 1:00 pm
Lone Tree Golf Club & Hotel
9808 Sunningdale Blvd. in Lone Tree
Freedom Fellowship
Freedom Fellowship
(Group meets 3rd Thursday of the month)
Thursday, November 20
5:30 pm - program starts at 6:15 pm
Wide Open Saloon
5607 U.S. Hwy. 85 in Sedalia
Castle Rock Breakfast
Castle Rock Breakfast
(Group meets the 3rd Friday of the month)
Friday, November 21, 7:30 am to 8:30 am
Douglas County Fairgrounds Events Center
Conference Room
500 Fairgrounds Road in Castle Rock
Email Kent Cheese: kent.cheese@firstwestmortgage.com
Castle Rock Grassroots Conservatives
Castle Rock Grassroots Conservatives
(Group meets 4th Tuesday of the month, January - October)
Meet-up/Happy Hour
Tuesday, November 25 - 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Wild Blue Yonder Brewery
519 Wilcox Street in Castle Rock
Parker Conservatives
Parker Conservatives
Private Group/Email for information parkcons@yahoo.com
Doors Open at 5:00 pm - Event starts at 6:00 pm
11020 S. Pikes Peak Drive, #50 in Parker
Douglas County Republican Women
Douglas County Republican Women
(Group meets 3rd Wednesday of the month, September - May)
Wednesday, December 17
Social time 11:00 to 11:30 am
Meeting time 11:30 am to 1:00 pm
Lone Tree Golf Club & Hotel
9808 Sunningdale Blvd. in Lone Tree
Freedom Fellowship
Freedom Fellowship
(Group meets 3rd Thursday of the month)
Thursday, December 18
5:30 pm - program starts at 6:15 pm
Wide Open Saloon
5607 U.S. Hwy. 85 in Sedalia
Castle Rock Breakfast
Castle Rock Breakfast
(Group meets the 3rd Friday of the month)
Friday, December 19, 7:30 am to 8:30 am
Douglas County Fairgrounds Events Center
Conference Room
500 Fairgrounds Road in Castle Rock
Email Kent Cheese: kent.cheese@firstwestmortgage.com
Castle Rock Grassroots Conservatives
Castle Rock Grassroots Conservatives
(Group meets 4th Tuesday of the month, January - October)
Meet-up/Happy Hour
Tuesday, December 23 - 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Wild Blue Yonder Brewery
519 Wilcox Street in Castle Rock
Castle Rock Breakfast
Castle Rock Breakfast
Friday, March 21, 7:30 am to 8:30 am
Douglas County Fairgrounds Events Center
Conference Room
500 Fairgrounds Road in Castle Rock
Email Kent Cheese: kent.cheese@firstwestmortgage.com
Freedom Fellowship
Freedom Fellowship
(Group meets 3rd Thursday of the month)
Thursday, March 20
5:30 pm - program starts at 6:15 pm
Wide Open Saloon
5607 U.S. Hwy. 85 in Sedalia
Douglas County Republican Women
Douglas County Republican Women
(Group meets 3rd Wednesday of the month, September - May)
Wednesday, March 19
Social time 11:00-11:30 am
Meeting time 11:30 am to 1:00 pm
Lone Tree Golf Club & Hotel
9808 Sunningdale Blvd. in Lone Tree
DCGOP Central Committee/Biannual Organizational Meeting
Biannual Meeting to elect new officers, bonus members to state, congressional, and judicial districts, and district captains. Bylaws proposals may be discussed. The call and agenda are forthcoming. Email secretary@dcgop.org for information.

Castle Rock Breakfast
What an exciting time for Douglas County politics!
The general election is over! What are lessons learned and what does the future hold?
We look forward to seeing you at our new location at the Douglas County Fairgrounds Events Center Conference Room. Please enter through the south entrance under the Portico; the meeting room is to the right as you enter the building.
As always, we will allow time for other elected officials to speak. If you would like to speak, please let us know so we can be sure you are on the agenda.
Please RSVP to Kent Cheese (Kent.Cheese@firstwestmortgage.com) by the Thursday before the meeting.
Request to join our email list to stay up to date on future meetings and events from Castle Rock Breakfast organizers.

We the Women
Please join us on the first Thursday of every month!
Toni Smith

Parker Conservatives Social Meeting (December)
Parker Conservative meet on the first Wednesday of each month. Doors open at 5:00 pm for socializing program starts at 6:00 pm. This is a members-only event. Programs include speakers of relevant Parker/Douglas County/State and Federal topics. For membership and event details please email parkcons@yahoo.com.

Douglas County Republican Women (November)
Lone Tree Golf Club and Hotel
9808 Sunningdale Blvd.
Lone Tree, CO 80124
Please RSVP and pay in advance for your lunch through the www.dcrw.com website
cash, check or Paypal, with reservation before 5pm the Wednesday preceding the meeting No walk-ins, no shows will be billed.
Judy Allen
Email: douglascountyrepublicanwomen@gmail.com
Organization Website: https://www.dcrw.org
Reservations Website: https://www.dcrw.org/monthly-luncheon-rsvp-and-pay-with-paypal
Third Wednesday of January, February, March, April, May, September, October, and November.
No meetings June, July, August, and December.
Social Hour 11:00 – 11:30 am, Gavel Drops at 11:30 am
Lone Tree Golf Club and Hotel, 9808 Sunningdale Blvd., Lone Tree, CO 80124
Reservations by 5pm the Wednesday preceding the meeting – late reservations add $5 — Same price for all payment methods
RSVP to Douglascountyrepublicanwomen@hotmail.com or Call Judy Allen at 303-841-7202.
Please make sure you receive a CONFIRMATION email back from us. If you do not get an email confirming your reservation within a day or two, your reservation did not get through to us. Please call and leave a detailed message.

Castle Rock Breakfast
What an exciting time for Douglas County politics!
The general election is over! What are lessons learned and what does the future hold?
We look forward to seeing you at our new location at the Douglas County Fairgrounds Events Center Conference Room. Please enter through the south entrance under the Portico; the meeting room is to the right as you enter the building.
As always, we will allow time for other elected officials to speak. If you would like to speak, please let us know so we can be sure you are on the agenda.
Please RSVP to Kent Cheese (Kent.Cheese@firstwestmortgage.com) by the Thursday before the meeting.
Request to join our email list to stay up to date on future meetings and events from Castle Rock Breakfast organizers.

We the Women
Please join us on the first Thursday of every month!
Toni Smith

Parker Conservatives Social Meeting (November)
Parker Conservative meet on the first Wednesday of each month. Doors open at 5:00 pm for socializing program starts at 6:00 pm. This is a members-only event. Programs include speakers of relevant Parker/Douglas County/State and Federal topics. For membership and event details please email parkcons@yahoo.com.

Castle Rock Grassroots Conservatives (October)
No Agenda/Open Forum, No Cost, Open to all Conservatives…THIS is for WE THE PEOPLE to be part of the solution by coming together to LEARN to be BETTER TOGETHER “Right of Center” and to be BETTER for ALL and to DESERVE BETTER. It’s up to us as it was originally intended. ALL Candidates and Elected are encouraged to come to build and educate your base, to be there as their Representatives. District Captains, precinct people, state and county delegates, bonus members, executive committee, and state central committee members are usually in attendance and are encouraged to be there for the people we volunteered to serve as well. No permission required… show up! OWN IT! The past 5 years has produced and supported many candidates, activists/volunteers and more engaged voters in our communities. Let’s keep building!
JT Takeda

Castle Rock Breakfast
What an exciting time for Douglas County politics!
We have seen much excitement after the primary season. This has been an exciting year! Primary is over and we are on to the general election.
We look forward to seeing you at our new location at the Douglas County Fairgrounds Events Center Conference Room. Please enter through the south entrance under the Portico; the meeting room is to the right as you enter the building.
As always, we will allow time for other elected officials to speak. If you would like to speak, please let us know so we can be sure you are on the agenda.
Please RSVP to Kent Cheese (Kent.Cheese@firstwestmortgage.com) by the Thursday before the meeting.
Request to join our email list to stay up to date on future meetings and events from Castle Rock Breakfast organizers.

Douglas County Republican Women (October)
Lone Tree Golf Club and Hotel
9808 Sunningdale Blvd.
Lone Tree, CO 80124
Please RSVP and pay in advance for your lunch through the www.dcrw.com website
cash, check or Paypal, with reservation before 5pm the Wednesday preceding the meeting No walk-ins, no shows will be billed.
Judy Allen
Email: douglascountyrepublicanwomen@gmail.com
Organization Website: https://www.dcrw.org
Reservations Website: https://www.dcrw.org/monthly-luncheon-rsvp-and-pay-with-paypal
Third Wednesday of January, February, March, April, May, September, October, and November.
No meetings June, July, August, and December.
Social Hour 11:00 – 11:30 am, Gavel Drops at 11:30 am
Lone Tree Golf Club and Hotel, 9808 Sunningdale Blvd., Lone Tree, CO 80124
Reservations by 5pm the Wednesday preceding the meeting – late reservations add $5 — Same price for all payment methods
RSVP to Douglascountyrepublicanwomen@hotmail.com or Call Judy Allen at 303-841-7202.
Please make sure you receive a CONFIRMATION email back from us. If you do not get an email confirming your reservation within a day or two, your reservation did not get through to us. Please call and leave a detailed message.

Parker Conservatives Social Meeting (October)
Parker Conservative meet on the first Wednesday of each month. Doors open at 5:00 pm for socializing program starts at 6:00 pm. This is a members-only event. Programs include speakers of relevant Parker/Douglas County/State and Federal topics. For membership and event details please email parkcons@yahoo.com.

Castle Rock Grassroots Conservatives (September)
No Agenda/Open Forum, No Cost, Open to all Conservatives…THIS is for WE THE PEOPLE to be part of the solution by coming together to LEARN to be BETTER TOGETHER “Right of Center” and to be BETTER for ALL and to DESERVE BETTER. It’s up to us as it was originally intended. ALL Candidates and Elected are encouraged to come to build and educate your base, to be there as their Representatives. District Captains, precinct people, state and county delegates, bonus members, executive committee, and state central committee members are usually in attendance and are encouraged to be there for the people we volunteered to serve as well. No permission required… show up! OWN IT! The past 5 years has produced and supported many candidates, activists/volunteers and more engaged voters in our communities. Let’s keep building!
JT Takeda

Douglas County Republican Women (September)
Lone Tree Golf Club and Hotel
9808 Sunningdale Blvd.
Lone Tree, CO 80124
Please RSVP and pay in advance for your lunch through the www.dcrw.com website
cash, check or Paypal, with reservation before 5pm the Wednesday preceding the meeting No walk-ins, no shows will be billed.
Judy Allen
Email: douglascountyrepublicanwomen@gmail.com
Organization Website: https://www.dcrw.org
Reservations Website: https://www.dcrw.org/monthly-luncheon-rsvp-and-pay-with-paypal
Third Wednesday of January, February, March, April, May, September, October, and November.
No meetings June, July, August, and December.
Social Hour 11:00 – 11:30 am, Gavel Drops at 11:30 am
Lone Tree Golf Club and Hotel, 9808 Sunningdale Blvd., Lone Tree, CO 80124
Reservations by 5pm the Wednesday preceding the meeting – late reservations add $5 — Same price for all payment methods
RSVP to Douglascountyrepublicanwomen@hotmail.com or Call Judy Allen at 303-841-7202.
Please make sure you receive a CONFIRMATION email back from us. If you do not get an email confirming your reservation within a day or two, your reservation did not get through to us. Please call and leave a detailed message.

Castle Rock Breakfast
What an exciting time for Douglas County politics!
We have seen much excitement after the primary season. This has been an exciting year! Primary is over and we are on to the general election.
We look forward to seeing you at our new location at the Douglas County Fairgrounds Events Center Conference Room. Please enter through the south entrance under the Portico; the meeting room is to the right as you enter the building.
As always, we will allow time for other elected officials to speak. If you would like to speak, please let us know so we can be sure you are on the agenda.
Please RSVP to Kent Cheese (Kent.Cheese@firstwestmortgage.com) by the Thursday before the meeting.
Request to join our email list to stay up to date on future meetings and events from Castle Rock Breakfast organizers.

Parker Conservatives Social Meeting (September)
Parker Conservative meet on the first Wednesday of each month. Doors open at 5:00 pm for socializing program starts at 6:00 pm. This is a members-only event. Programs include speakers of relevant Parker/Douglas County/State and Federal topics. For membership and event details please email parkcons@yahoo.com.