DCGOP Resolution: Rejection of Marxism in the Colorado Legislature

We acknowledge the existence of the declared Socialists in Colorado's State Legislature and their right to free speech and association, however, based on the United States Constitution and the values of our party, we are denouncing their actions to abandon the freedoms that constitute the fabric of our state and nation.

WHEREAS, the foundational principles and promises of the United States of America are a civilized society based upon individual liberties, law & order, free enterprise, and democratic governance of our constitutionalist republic; and

WHEREAS, the methodologies and actions of communism and socialism, with false promises of diversity, equity, inclusion, equality, and unity, have resulted in the corrosive concentration of power, and totalitarian rule using corrupt and brutal dictatorships. and

WHEREAS, the record of communist and socialist governments is marred by egregious human rights violations and abuses, including, famine, poverty, murder, racism, exploitation of children, political persecution and imprisonment, and gender dysphoria. While denying economic freedom, the right to bear arms, the right to free speech, the right to assemble; and

WHEREAS, the legislators within the Colorado State Government who openly sympathize and support Marxism, Neo-Marxism, socialism and communism are committed to the promotion of perverse state control over freedom, while imposing legislation that attacks the traditional family, imposes state sponsored racism, eliminates parental rights, attacks the sanctity of life, attacks the right to bear arms, eliminates the right to associate, and supports open borders and lawlessness, which erode and eliminate individual initiative, freedoms, human rights, liberty, and accountability, and

WHEREAS, democracy in Colorado cannot coexist with a socialist or communist government and we declare that the socialist/communist manifesto is a clear and present danger to our citizens who value liberty, democratic values and governance; and

WHEREAS, the infiltration of socialist demagogues into American governance pose a clear and present danger to the fundamental freedoms and personal liberties that characterize the United States’ republic and its Constitution;

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Douglas County Republican Party hereby expresses its unequivocal opposition to the presence of any elected officials in Colorado's State Legislature whose duty is to advocate for or support Marxist, Neo-Marxist, communist or socialist ideologies; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Douglas County Republican Party calls upon all elected officials in Colorado to firmly reject any alignment with groups that promote communist, Marxist, Neo-Marxist or socialist policies , which are antithetical to the values of freedom and democracy that the United States of America is based upon; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Douglas County Republican Party commits to mobilizing and supporting candidates who uphold the principles of our constitutional republic, with free enterprise, individual liberties, and constitutional governance, ensuring that the political landscape of Colorado reflects the true spirit of historical American values; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution be disseminated widely, including to all Republican chapters within Colorado, to affirm and promote our collective resolve in safeguarding our state and country from the pernicious influences of ideologies that undermine our cherished freedoms and national prosperity.

This resolution passed via a unanimous vote of the Douglas County GOP Executive Committee on May 21, 2024.


DCGOP Resolution: Promotional Support Toward Republican Assembly Candidates


DCGOP Resolution: Regarding Attempts to Unionize Douglas County Local Governments