DCGOP Resolution: Promotional Support Toward Republican Assembly Candidates

WHEREAS, the Douglas County Republican Party (DCGOP) recognizes and upholds the critical role the grassroots movements have in shaping the political discourse and landscape as well as upholding the foundational principles of our constitutional Republic;

WHEREAS, the caucus and assembly processes are established pathways for engaging local community members, each ensuring that every day Republicans’ voices are heard and their values represented throughout local, state, and national governance;

WHEREAS, DCGOP leadership has consistently defended and upheld the caucus and assembly processes since their election in February 2023, stating recently in a March 10 post-caucus message to DCGOP Central Committee members one of the four core issues the party should stand on is to “Protect and defend the caucus and assembly processes, ensuring the grassroots maintained a voice throughout Douglas County”;

WHEREAS, DCGOP Bylaws Article XV, Section 7 requires this Executive Committee to fulfill the following by-law requirement: “the DCR (as an entity), its officers, and its committees shall endorse and support the candidate (s) designated by the Assembly/Convention prior to and through the Primary Election. … Following the Primary Election, the DCR, its officers, and its Committees shall endorse and support the Republican candidate as determined at the Primary Election”; and

WHEREAS, candidates who have opted out of the caucus and assembly processes, as codified within Articles XII and XV of the DCGOP Bylaws, will not be supported by DCGOP, prior to Primary Elections;

WHEREAS, Article III, Section C of the Colorado Republican Party Central Committee (CRC) State Bylaws state: "Additionally, the CRC, and the various Republican county and district central committees, have no obligation to support, and may oppose, any candidate who has gained access to the primary election ballot outside of the Assembly/Convention process.";

WHEREAS, strengthening the long term health of the DCGOP is a responsibility of this Executive Committee which is charged with protecting and defending the sanctity of votes cast by registered Republicans throughout the county;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the DCGOP shall honor and respect all Republican candidates who upheld the caucus and Assembly processes within the confines of Douglas County and shall be promoted to Republicans and the electorate through DCGOP communication channels for information and educational purposes targeted toward said electorate. Those candidates are:

• CD4 Special Election: Greg Lopez

• CD4: Lauren Boebert, Jerry Sonnenberg, and Richard Holtorf

• Douglas County Commissioner (District 2): George Teal

• Douglas County Commissioner (District 3): Kevin Van Winkle and John Carson

• JD23: Dagny Van Der Jagt

• SD2: Tim Arvidson

• HD39: Brandi Bradley

• HD43: Lora Thomas and Matthew Burcham

• HD45: Bill Jack

• HD44: Anthony Hartsook

• State Board of Education: Kristi Burton Brown and Saundra Larsen

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the DCGOP hereby fully endorses Donald John Trump for U.S. President, who has been duly designated for the general election ballot by winning the Colorado Republican Presidential Primary;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this statement of promotion symbolizes our collective commitment to both the grassroots process as well as candidates who entered the Assembly process in good faith reflected through the DCGOP Bylaws, each vital to our party’s integrity and success, ensuring our candidates are vetted, prepared, and aligned with the values of our constituents;

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the DCGOP commits itself to ongoing efforts to educate and engage our community on the caucus and assembly processes,reinforcing the importance of grassroots involvement in maintaining the strength and vitality of both our constitutional Republican as well as our local party infrastructure.

This resolution passed via a majority vote of the Douglas County GOP Executive Committee on May 21, 2024.


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